Unix & Linux/명령어

유용한 명령어 - A

icocoa 2012. 12. 18. 17:32

alias : 명령어를 간단하게 줄여사용

ex) alias ll='ls -alrt'

unalias: alias 삭제

* '\'를 붙여 사용하거나 명령어의 절대경로를 사용하여 명령어 입력하면 alias무시됨


apropos : 명령어 검색

* man -k 와 동일


arch : cpu 타입조회


arp : 연결시스템 mac주소 확인


at : 명령어 또는 스크립트 실행 예약


awk : 패턴검색

ex) awk /mail/ /etc/passwd -> passwd파일에서 'mail'이 포함된 라인을 출력

awk -F: /mail/'{print $1}' /etc/passwd -> 'mail'이 포함된 라인중 ':'을 구분자로 첫번째 토큰 출력


 $0  refers to the entire line
 $n  The fields are denoted $1, $2, ...
 CONVFMT  conversion format used when converting numbers (default %.6g)
 FS  regular expression used to separate fields; also settable by option -Ffs.


 number of fields in the current record


 ordinal number of the current record


 the name of the current input file


 input record separator (default newline)


 output field separator (default blank)


 output record separator (default newline)


 output format for numbers (default %.6g)


 separates multiple subscripts (default 034)


 argument count, assignable


 argument array, assignable; non-null members are taken as filenames


 array of environment variables; subscripts are names
 FNR  ordinal number of the current record in the current file

ex) awk /mail/'{print NR,$0, NF}' /etc/passwd


awk 함수

The  mathematical  functions  exp, log, sqrt, sin, cos, and atan2 are built in

length / rand / srand / int / substr(d,m,n) / index(s,t) / match(s,r) /

split(s,a,fs) / sub(r,t,s) / gsub / sprintf(fmt,expr,...) / system(cmd) /

tolower(str) / toupper(str)


       length($0) > 72
              Print lines longer than 72 characters.


       { print $2, $1 }
              Print first two fields in opposite order.


       BEGIN { FS = ",[ \t]*|[ \t]+" }
             { print $2, $1 }
              Same, with input fields separated by comma and/or blanks and tabs.


            { s += $1 }
       END  { print "sum is", s, " average is", s/NR }
              Add up first column, print sum and average.


       /start/, /stop/
              Print all lines between start/stop pairs.


       BEGIN     {    # Simulate echo(1)
            for (i = 1; i < ARGC; i++) printf "%s ", ARGV[i]
            printf "\n"
            exit }