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Eclipse - PMD 설치 및 참조 [PMD 에러 참조] http://pmd.sourceforge.net/rules/design.html [Eclipse PMD 설치] 1. [Eclipse] - [Help] - [Install New Software..] 메뉴 선택( Helios version) * Eclipse 3.2 version 등에서는 [Eclipse] - [Help] -[Software Updates] - [Find and Install] 메뉴에서 Search for new features to install - New Remote Site 2. [Add...] 버튼을 클릭하여 Name 은 임의로 주고 Location 에 http://pmd.sourceforge.net/eclipse/ 입력 후 [OK] 3. Version 선택 후.. 더보기
HINTs #1 - [Oracle] The application developer and end users know more about the data and how it is used than the optimizer does. Oracle provides a method known as HINTS to enable you to tell the optimizer the method to use for the SQL statement. Oracle recommends that HINTS not be used as the main method of controlling the optimization for SQL statements. Instead, the SQL statement should be appropriately rewritten.. 더보기
HINTs #2 - [Oracle] Specifies if any of the tables or indexes in the statement are analyzed, use the Cost Based optimizer otherwise use the Rule Based. If they are analyzed, it uses the cost based optimizer to provide the best response time for batch processing. Processing the SQL statements using ALL_ROWS is the best practice for databases that have large amounts of batch processing, such as Data Warehouses. It is.. 더보기
Hint 요약 - [Oracle] A. initialization parameter중 OPTIMIZER_MODE 지정가능 값 1.ALL_ROWS Goal : Best Throughput 용도 : 전체 RESOURCE 소비를 최소화 시키기 위한 힌트. Cost-Based 접근방식. 예 : SELECT /*+ALL_ROWS */ EMPNO,ENAME FROM EMP WHERE EMPNO = 7655; 2.FIRST_ROWS Goal : Best Response Time 용도 : 조건에 맞는 첫번째 row를 리턴하기 위한 Resource 소비를 최소화 시키기위한 힌트. Cost-Based 접근방식. 특징 : - Index Scan 이 가능하다면 Optimizer가 Full Table Scan 대신 Index Scan을 선택한다. - Index.. 더보기
HTML5 LINKS HTML5 : Hyper Text Markup Language [W3C 공식문서] - World Wide Web Consortium http://www.w3c.org/TR/html5 [W3C HTML Working Group] http://www.w3.org/html/wg/ [WHATWG 공개 사양] - Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group http://www.whatwg.org/html5 [MathML] - Mathematical Markup Language : 수학 표기를 실현하기 위한 XML 기반 언어 http://www.23.org/Math [SVG] - Scalable Vector Graphics : XML로 기술된 벡터 그래픽 형식 http.. 더보기
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